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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Well here it is..... Cinque di Maggio (for all my Italian friends)... The first Monday night (May) competition at the Modesto Camera Club is over (last night) and the start of getting ready for the next competition (photography) begins for June... It's one of those I love it... "but" times of the month... finishing up one group of photos (Pictorial, Nature, Prints, and the monthly "Challenge".... May was Macro photography). The "but" part is the realization that I'm starting all over again getting ready for the next month. One of the great things about entering photos is that you get to see the many great photos entered by others in the Camera Club (we all have to comply with the Photographic Society of America (PSA) rules and are judged by people who really know photography). Participating really (for anyone who wants to improve their photos) is a learning experience because the judge critiques your submissions and gives you insight on how to improve what you are doing. Scores go up to 10 (being the top) and the points are accumulated for the year and at the end of the year you have the opportunity to be recognized for your efforts. Here are the five photos I submitted last evening for May 2015.... The two photos that were submitted as Prints are: The Harbor ~ Evening Sunset and Poas Volcano Crater Principal in Costa Rica. The digital Challenge for May was "Macro Photography" and it was titled: Western Orb Spider.... My Nature submission was: Common Tink Frog (Tree Frog - Costa Rica). And my final submission was under the "Pictorial digital" category titled: New York City Skyline ~ Morning Light....
Western Orb Spider

The Harbor ~ Evening Sunset

New York City Skyline ~ Morning Light....

Common Tink Frog (Tree Frog - Costa Rica

Poas Volcano Crater Principal in Costa Rica

Friday, May 1, 2015

Odds and ends from some recent photo competitions......

 Alcatraz Island Sunset on the Bay
 Baby Egret
 Brownish Gray Black Iguana  (Costa Rica)
 Convergence Winery - The Tasting Room
 End of the Ride -The Mavericks Half Moon Bay
 Guitar, Violin, and Brass to Beethoven
 Lemers Three
 Looking Back
 Methodist Church Bodie
 Old Bodie - Where Even Cars Did Not Escape
 Redding Bridges and Spillway (Sacramento River)
 Scarlet Macaw ~ Costa Rica
 Sierra Covered Bridge near Nevada City
 Ubiquity, Machines or Space Travel (abstract views)
 White Moth - Costa Rica
 Who You Gonna Call - (an alley in Downtown Modesto)
 Yosemite Falls in the Fall (Merced River)
 Yosemite Falls Winter of 2014
 Eyes of the Electric Tigress
 FUZIO by 10th Street Place

It's been a while since I posted some of my photos and really didn't want to have to make a video and have music in the background (getting lazy)... So here are a few that I've had in recent competitions.